Let’s organize for the next edition of FRUIT LOGISTICA by preparing a great, effective exhibition stand with exclusively Sicilian citrus fruits and let’s bring with us Sicily and the emotions, zest and innovation that our island is capable to produce.
The District and its citrus fruits at the Fruit Logistica of Berlin 2011
Firms should be able to operate in the market supported by the strength coming from cohesion.
Cohesion is necessary to sustain consumer communication and information campaigns which normally require a large amount of financial resources.
We must use the media with clarity, effectiveness and cohesion, with our DOP, IGP and organic production. But we must not be an obstacle to the private enterprise. On the contrary, we must motivate the individual firm to invest in certified production with EU and own funds.
These activities, valuable as they are in commercial terms, acquire an additional value in terms of our enhancement of international market activities, so important for firms and therefore for the District, but also in terms of our participation as a collective community that is capable to create a sense of belonging to the territory and to the agro-food compartment as an important step to overcome problems linked to our integration and cohesion efforts.
As a matter of fact, important initiatives have taken place, such as the international action to access the Russian market. This project was made possible thanks to a shared vision on the part of some among our members (Agrumigel S.r.l., P.O. Le Buone Terre Soc. Coop. Agr., P.O. Agrisicilia Soc. Cons. A R.L., P.O. Bellarossa Soc. Coop., D’Imprima Ortofrutta) and includes the District’s participation in the Interfood Fair which took place in Saint Petersburg on 19-21 March 2014, through the Chamber of Commerce of Catania.
Russia, a very difficult market. Either we go there as a team or we leave it
Most popular events include the Fruit Logistica of Berlin, the Macfrut of Cesena and the Blue Sea Land of Mazara del Vallo, exhibition fairs of international interest where the presence of the Sicilian citrus fruits is coordinated by the Citrus Production District of Sicily, through the organization of a special space that can be easily recognized by our firms and producers associations, which can therefore have the opportunity to be present and to pursue economies of scale and communicate to the external world the citrus sector’s renewed strategy through the involvement of all quality production of the diverse territory. Standards are thus made representative of the Sicilian Region’s citrus growing land, exhibiting the logo of IGP and DOP and quality citrus production together with the logo of the Citrus Production District of Sicily as an umbrella brand.