Along the orange blossom paths discovering the excellent Sicilian citrus fruits industry

Rome, Wednesday September 30, 2015 at 11 a.m.
‘Parlamentino’ meeting room based at the State Forestry Department, Ministry of Agricultural, Food and Forestry Policies, in via Venti Settembre.

The workshop aimed at bringing out operational proposals and specific suggestions for the institutional representatives, ensuring the maximum visibility to the products, to the citrus fruits industry, to the territory and, ultimately, to the economy linked to the citrus fruits branch and to its renewed determination to reorganise itself according to the demands and through the innovative system shared in the Citrus District of Sicily Development Pact and approved by the Region of Sicily.


11.00 a.m. Participants registration;

11.20 a.m. Projection of the corporate video “Sicilian citrus fruits. A day in the island of the sun.“;

11.30 a.m. Federica Argentati, the President of the Citrus District of Sicily. Citrus District of Sicily’s presentation;

11.40 a.m. Corrado Vigo, the President of the Sicilian Agronomists Association. Numbers concerning the whole citrus fruits industry

The citrus fruits industry proposals

11.50 a.m. Rosa Giovanna Castagna, Coordinator of Agrinsieme Sicilia;

12.00 a.m. Alessandro Chiarelli, President of Coldiretti Sicilia;

12.10 a.m. Salvatore Laudani, President of Fruit Imprese Sicilia;

12.20 a.m. Vilfredo Raymo, President of Association of the citrus fruits industries members of the C.L.A.M Italian Section.

The political point of view

12.30 a.m. Rosaria Barresi, Regional Councillor for Agriculture;

12.40 a.m. Planned participations;

1.15 p.m. Conclusions, Giuseppe Castiglione, Ministry of Agricultural, Food and Forestry Policies Undersecretary.

Guests invited to participate

  • Regional Members of the Parliament of the Senate and of the Chamber of Deputies, Parliament Members of the ARS (Regional Sicilian Assembly);
  • Regional and national press;
  • Representatives of the national trade organizations;
  • Representatives of the world of scientific research;
  • Stakeholders and branch experts.


Moderator: Paolo Borrometi, reporter Agenzia AGI

The free registration to the Workshop is necessary.

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